

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word mapuno in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word mapuno:

mapunô  Play audio #23549
[verb] to become full; to be filled; to be full of; to be suffused; to be crowded; to be fed up with

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Verb conjugations of mapuno:

Root: punoConjugation Type: Ma-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
mapunô  Play audio #23549
Completed (Past):
napunô  Play audio #23550
Uncompleted (Present):
napupunô  Play audio #23551
Contemplated (Future):
mapupunô  Play audio #23552
Verb family:
punuín  |  
magpunô  |  
punán  |  
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Lagyán mo ng tubig ang bote hanggáng mapunô.
Play audio #35135 Play audio #35136Audio Loop
Put water in the bottle until it gets filled.
Hindî nilá napunô ang auditorium ng tao.
Play audio #36298Audio Loop
They were not able to fill the auditorium with people.
Huwág mong iwanan ang sapatos mo sa labás at mapupunô iyán ng alikabók.
Play audio #38833Audio Loop
Don't leave your shoes outside as they would get full of dust.
Napunô na ang pasénsiyá ko sa iyó.
Play audio #30624 Play audio #30625Audio Loop
My patience has run out on you.

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How to pronounce mapuno:

Play audio #23549
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