
Diphthongs and Other Letter Pairings

Mark Complete


Certain vowel and semi-vowel combinations ( diphthongs ) are pronounced differently in Filipino than in English.

Here are the diphthong pronunciations you should learn:
"ay" is pronounced like the vowels in the English words "sky" or "tie" or "try"
kawáy Play audio #274
bantáy Play audio #483
ayaw Play audio #1452
bahay Play audio #276
pamaypáy Play audio #810
tatay Play audio #2417
"aw" is pronounced like the vowels in the English words "loud" or "proud" or "cow"
ayaw Play audio #338
bulalakaw Play audio #484
sabáw Play audio #485
"ey" is pronounced as in the English word "stay" or "play" or "tray"
reyna Play audio #277
Leyte Play audio #486
empleyado Play audio #2939
"iw" at the end of a word is pronounced as in the English sound "ee-oo"
balíw Play audio #278
sisiw Play audio #487
paksíw Play audio #21994
"uy" at the end of a word is pronounced as in the English word "oo-ee"
kasúy Play audio #279
badúy Play audio #488
"oy" is pronounced like the vowels in the English words "boy" or "toy" or "soy"
baboy Play audio #281
langóy Play audio #489
amóy Play audio #490
to Play audio #1342
"ay" is pronounced like the vowels in the English words "sky" or "tie" or "try"
kaway Play audio #274
bantay Play audio #483
ayaw Play audio #1452
bahay Play audio #276
pamaypay Play audio #810
tatay Play audio #2417
"aw" is pronounced like the vowels in the English words "loud" or "proud" or "cow"
ayaw Play audio #338
bulalakaw Play audio #484
sabaw Play audio #485
"ey" is pronounced as in the English word "stay" or "play" or "tray"
reyna Play audio #277
Leyte Play audio #486
empleyado Play audio #2939
"iw" at the end of a word is pronounced as in the English sound "ee-oo"
baliw Play audio #278
sisiw Play audio #487
paksiw Play audio #21994
"uy" at the end of a word is pronounced as in the English word "oo-ee"
kasuy Play audio #279
baduy Play audio #488
"oy" is pronounced like the vowels in the English words "boy" or "toy" or "soy"
baboy Play audio #281
langoy Play audio #489
amoy Play audio #490
toyo Play audio #1342
Other Letter Pairings:

Other letter pairings where the Filipino pronunciation is different than in English:
"dy" and "diy" are pronounced similar to "j" in the English word "jeep"
dyipni Play audio #474
dyakpat Play audio #475
dyak en poy Play audio #476
diyaryo Play audio #477
diyós Play audio #478
"ts" is pronounced similar to "ch" in the English word "teacher"
titser Play audio #479
tsek Play audio #480
tsokolate Play audio #481
tsinelas Play audio #482
"sy" and "siy" is pronounced similar to "sh" in the English word "shout"
siyá Play audio #470
siyete Play audio #471
siyám Play audio #472
siyokoy Play audio #473
"dy" and "diy" are pronounced similar to "j" in the English word "jeep"
dyipni Play audio #474
dyakpat Play audio #475
dyak en poy Play audio #476
diyaryo Play audio #477
diyos Play audio #478
"ts" is pronounced similar to "ch" in the English word "teacher"
titser Play audio #479
tsek Play audio #480
tsokolate Play audio #481
tsinelas Play audio #482
"sy" and "siy" is pronounced similar to "sh" in the English word "shout"
siya Play audio #470
siyete Play audio #471
siyam Play audio #472
siyokoy Play audio #473

Mark Complete

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